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Design For Web - Scamps & Crit

I have started to create some design sheets around the possible layout of my website. I have lots of different ideas and need to try and focus in on a particular style.

I particularly like the idea of having a full size image across the full screen and also simple logo and navigation placement at the top and left hand side of the screen. I think this will transfer well to web. Keeping a nice amount of negative space and easy usability.

Crit Feedback 

Questions I asked 

Mark the most succesful scamps? Mark on Design Sheets. 

Is the use of logo nessacaery? Does it work better bigger or smaller?

Do the drop down menus work?

Does the Placement of Navigation work? Is it better at the top, down the side or spread out?

Do you think larger full screen imagery would work well for the website?

Is the body copy placement and size readable and legible? or is it confusing?

Does the design represent a contemporary re-brand of the US Open. 


Simple and effective layouts, Great use of negative space gives the design a clean aesthetic. 

Recurring theme throughout a lot of the scamps allows possibilities to combine some of the ideas. 

Images are well placed and create a clean appearance that isn't overpowering. 

Drop down menu works very well as this organises the design further. and allows the design to not be jeopardised and cluttered with links. 

Great potential and usable designs. The logo works better when it is at larger scale and makes it more of a feature on the page. The smaller logo's work well when there is an image to support it. 

Interesting scrolling ideas on some of the scamps which make the website more engaging. 

Simple & Effective layouts. 

Areas for Improvement

Don't use vertical type because it is too hard to read. 

On some designs maybe structure the type into a clear format so it is easier to read. 

Would like to see the designs produced at a larger scale. 

Would be nice to see/get an idea of what the colour scheme would be like. 


On the scamp with lots of tiled images, hover over the images to make text appear in the section. This could include information of the tennis players etc. 

Drop Down Menu  and Logo combined with scrolling across imagery and rows of tiny images with a white background. 

Chosen/Most appreciated designs

These are the final designs that have been appreciated the most by my critiques and also what i feel work the best. I will re-sketch the scamps and maybe try and combine the most successful elements of the design before the next session of creating. 

My Comments on Crit 

Overall the comments on my crit are really constructive and have helped me whittle my designs down to see what is working well and what isn't. It has also given me the opportunity to possibly combine some elements from various designs in order to get the best possible outcome. The only criticisms i can work on really is the size of the scamps would be nice blown up a little more and also the colour scheme. Below, I have experimented by mocking up some possible design solutions with colour schemes at a basic level to help show how the website might look. 

I will also be using the feedback and my own ideas to select a final scamp and re-draw it out at a larger scale before I then move on to putting it together in Dreamweaver. 

 Colour Mock-ups 

Things to consider when asking questions and giving feedback in a crit:

Don't ask loaded questions. Basically this is a question that is searching for validation or searching for a praised answer. 

Never ask is something is working? What do you mean by this? Define the answer. 

Never ask what would you change? This is a personal preferance so most likely everybody would change everything about somebody else designs which can just lead to unconstructive critism. 

Be specific about your questions. We are all designer so know technical terms such as what fonts to use etc. 

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