For larger scale advertisements, such as billboards and bus stop posters, I felt that a clean simple look of the Iphone displaying the app would be appropriate. I tried to keep the same colours as the background to help the advert stand out and to also keep with the consistent theme of the business.
____In Context
I decided to mock these up in context using an appropriate image I found on the internet of a bus stop.I feel these advertisements would be appropriate for larger scale such as this, but as the business is a medium small business, they may not have the funds for this level of advertising, so I decided to look at how it could be promoted in universities to the target audience...
____Promotional Posters
I came up with a few more abstract ideas than the original advertisements that could possibly work for a younger more creative student target audience. These are very clean, simple designs, but amongst the busy walls of university, I think they would easily stand out above everything else.
____In Context
I mocked some of the ideas up using this image of a frame I found on the internet. This just gives a better idea of how the posters might look displayed in an art college or at a certain creative event. These are more about raising the profile of 'It's Nice That' focussing less on the app, but the text also has links and info about the app when read close.
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