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OUGD505 - Concept Workshop - Development & Outcome

The Abacist

Todays workshop was to help build our concept skills and we worked in groups of 5 to try and come up with a name and more importantly a concept behind the name which will give a brand new bar a unique selling point and reason to be able to be profitable in the current climate.

To start us off, we was given the word 'number' and our concept had to come from this starting point. We started off by brainstorming words that related to number, coming at it from many different angles, then once this process had run its course, we sat down and tried to decipher the words into something that we all agreed we could work with.

We all agreed on the word 'Abacus' as a traditional counting device and decided that this would be a great starting point to build a concept around along very traditional roots. The name was later developed into 'The Abacist', which is a master of the abacus device.


Type of Establishment / Audience 

We decided that the Abacist would house a wide range of real ales sourced from all around the world as well as locally. The audience would obviously be determined by this decision. Males, aged 20 - 40. Young Professionals to Full-Time workers who have expendable income. Students would fall into this category also because they have temporary expendable income.

USP (Unique Selling Point)

The main objective was to gain a unique selling point which would make us stand out in the current market. We decided that, from past experience, it would be a great idea to create a whole new pricing system which is simple and effective. The drinks will be available to buy in three different prices.

£3.00, £5.00 & £7.00

This is turn, will make it easier for both customer and bartender when serving drinks. The prices could be tallied up on an actual abacus on the table or bar itself. The other USP, would that there would be no standardised measurments. Everything would be using traditional measurements which would bring a whole new experience to the bar environment.

Style / Location

The bar would be very stylistic. It would ave a vintage feel inside, lots of oak, chalkboards with equations and an option to buy three half pints of ale to be able to try different ones instead of having to get a full pint. They would be served in a wooden frame, much like an abacus. This could function in any 'trendy' areas of major cities. Think the Northern Quarter of Manchester, Call Lane of Leeds or Shoreditch of London.

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