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Design For Print & Web - ISTD Brief Selection

 I have looked through all the ISTD Briefs from the previous three years, 2009, 2010 and 2011 and picked out three that I feel appeal  to me and my working practice the most. I feel that the deliverables of theses briefs fall inside areas of the design that I would be comfortable to explore.  These are:-

_____Type Factory (2009)

_____Channel X (2010)

_____100 (2011)

____Type Factory 

The Type Factory is a new museum and gallery space being developed in a location of your choice. Offering an exciting resource and experience for designers, school-children and discerning tourists, its mission is simple: it aims to inform and enthuse its visitors about all aspects of type and to promote all things typographic. The factory will house a range of artefacts and displays that demonstrate the history of type and typographic design, while the gallery space will host temporary exhibitions of contemporary type design and typography and offer a venue for talks by some of the leading advocates of design as well as emerging talent.

The factory will also house a café and book- store which will encourage visitors to meet, share their thoughts and aspirations.

_____The Brief

Design a visual identity and range of promo- tional materials. You may use Type Factory as the name or create an alternative.

The identity must capture the essence of the experience that the visitor will have. You should express its use across an appropriate range of applications and show how it will work across media. Rather than specify the uses, we want you to consider the best range of uses – signage, web pages, display panels, ambient media . . . the choice is also an opportunity for an innovative approach to presentation.

Promotional material for print submissions should include a booklet that will be used to promote the venue. This should include treatments for cover, venue information page(s) and at least three spreads. Local outdoor advertising requires a poster – at least 4 sheet size (present a scaled-down version with images of its use in possible locations).

Screen-based submissions could be a website which would include the identity, appropriate information, examples of promotional events and merchandise and equate with the volume of print requirements.

_____Target Market

Designers, school-children, tourists


• Research and Development • Strategy • Specifications/Grid(s) • Dummy/Prototype(s)

• Presentation

Cross-reference this project brief with the ‘Assessment Criteria’ sheet.

Submissions will only be accepted in one robust portfolio no larger than a2.

_____Channel X 

We’re an international TV Brand. We love our drama, reality TV, films, soaps and niche programmes. We commission gutsy programmes and blend cool drama with our own lifestyles. We segue effortlessly from escapist, to gritty, to humanitarian, to sensationalist.

The picture is fantastic. What’s missing is the frame. We’ve lost our mojo. We are too passive – lost in the avalanche of brands (movies, adverts, sponsors, TV shows) screaming for attention.

We need to build a big, bold brand – to forge emotional connections with our audiences – to be open and compelling – rooted in truth and effect. We want to carve out a place in people’shearts–beachallengerandexpress aclearpointofview.Weneedtobemorethan expected – not just any other channel.

_____The Brief

We want you to develop the identity/look and creative direction of the channel.


Channel X is only a working title – we want you to come up with a name that reflects the personality and values of the channel.


Create a logo that represents the channel. It can be live action, animation-based and it needs to have a strong, bold attitude that feels alive while being essentially typographic. This needs to be applied for on screen use and for a range of channel marketing materials and merchandise. We do not want to specify what you submit – choose what is appropriate to your choice of media.

_______Design Guidelines

Whether you take an animation, live action or print-based approach, you must develop and

produce a set of design guidelines for use of the identity/logo. As well as being a standard requirement this should reflect your layout and typographic ability. It must express clear typographic control of the navigation of the information content. This will usually be read as a pdf on screen but for assessment purposes you should provide hard copy.


– create a distinct, expressive, cohesive, entertaining, exciting channel look. – haveastrategythatisdrivenbythe

proposition ‘stimulation for the masses’. – relate the look to channel content.


– createtypicallogoidentsthatfeelgeneric. – createtypicalTVdesign.

______Target Audience

Our audience – love being entertained. – are not affluent but have sophisticated

spending and tastes. – are articulate but not necessarily

university educated. – are 16–45 with a slight male bias. – are a cultural mix. – includesyoungparents.


• Research and Development • Strategy • Specifications/Grid(s) • Dummy/Prototype(s)

• Presentation

Cross-reference this project brief with the ‘Assessment Criteria’ sheet.

Submissions will only be accepted in one robust portfolio no larger than a2.


If you live to be one hundred years old in the United Kingdom you should receive a birthday card from the Queen. If you are the fastest person on earth it is because you have run 100 metres faster that anyone else and, if you get 100% in the assessment of this project – you are (to say the least) an excellent typographic designer. 100 is a benchmark for achievement.

The decimal system is integral to how we lead our lives but 100 has a certain aura – it is a special number. Similarly the word century has an historic significance. The Romans organised their troops into centuries of up to 100 men, with a centurian in charge of them. We distinguish dates and history by centuries and a century in cricket merits special applause as does a player’s 100th goal for their team.

_____The Brief

You are required to interpret the number 100. Widely available research resources offer you reference and data that offer a broad spectrum of opportunities. Content could be educational, explanations of events, historical or social discoveries or developments, sporting records or achievements. We want to see an innovative idea that not only intrigues us but also informs us.

Choose a format that is appropriate for your subject matter and your target market. You could create a timeline in a broadsheet, a time-based piece, a website, a series of booklets/leaflets, a part-work or a complete publication containing all the content.

The main criteron is that your design should reflect the significance of the number 100 and that you express clear typographic control of the navigation of the information content.

_____Target Market

Define your market, and how you will target it, in your Strategy.

• Research and Development • Strategy • Specifications/Grid(s) • Dummy/Prototype(s)

• Presentation

Cross-reference this project brief with the ‘Assessment Criteria’ sheet.

Submissions will only be accepted in one robust portfolio no larger than a2.

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