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Design For Print - Further Diagrams

After researching further into the particular printing processes. I decided to alter my illustrations so they all fit into a particular style.

I wanted the illustrations to be all at the same angle so used reference images to come up with my final designs...





Digital Print

Screen Print


Pad Print

I'm fairly pleased with the results of these illustrations. They all work as a set and are simplified versions of the different print processes, making it personally easier for me to understand and use as reference whenever I may need too. 

I wanted to continue the simple theme throughout my publications to keep the style consistent and also to keep it simple and easy to understand as already discussed. 


I then moved onto creating diagrams for all the other elements of my booklets.

I started with artwork and pre-print checks and wanted the diagrams to be really simple so it was easy to understand but without over facing the reader and mainly myself...


I created these simple RGB and CMYK circles by using the blending modes to overlap the colours. 

Rich Black

I wanted to show the difference between 100% Key and Rich Black as part of my publication so I created these simple rectangular shapes. 

Printer Marks

I used the printer mark as a reference to create this illustrations from. I will place these around my page appropriately to help back up the written content. 

Spell Check

Simple spell check line.


Jpeg & Tiff

Paper Sizes 

ISO System

C Series

Newspaper Sizes


Resizing / Resolution 

True Type


Trims & Bleeds

Colour Gamut





Colour Halftone

B&W Halftone

I used an image of my grandad to represent the colour within photographs and resolution. This made it easier to use a good quality image and was also something that would fit within the design of my book without standing out too much. It's also a pretty cool photograph so would sit well with my layout.  

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