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Book One - Process

The front cover will be plain in colour. This is where I will emboss the same type that is  on the next right hand page so it gives you the transition when you open the first page. 

This style will remain consistent throughout all my books. I didn't want the book to open straight into the contents and this works well with the front cover when opened. 

Contents is really simple. I wanted to keep the text down the left hand side of the left page consistent throughout. This was, the reader can skip through the book looking at the edges of the page to which ever section they may want to stop on. The contents page will remain consistent throughout all of my booklets too. 

The print method pages are consistent ans simple. I didn't want to clog up the pages so I have mainly stuck to a three column grid for the body copy with my simple diagrams taking place above the bodycopy. I have included halftoned photographic images to help reassure the processes. 

 I have also included pages with examples of work that are using the print methods. These are clearly labelled in the middle column to make it easier to see how each of the print methods work. 

The reference page will simple include references for all the images of processes and work that I have included in the book. 

Process (1 of 5)

The first book focusses on the different print processes and methods used for a variety of different outcomes. It gives diagrams of the methods which simplify it right down to the basics as well as images to accompany this, both of the machines themselves as well as the printed product examples. 

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