I really like this style of working as oppose to just jumping on a mac, and I also like the visual, almost 3d like qualities that have come from these experiments. This is definitely something I plan to revisit maybe with a clearer idea and product range.
Bold Neon Square
I like the simplicity of this and it is quite a stand out piece which in turn grabs attention and creates suspense around the event. I'm not sure about using the photograph, It isn't really clear enough about anything and theres no point in using the design because it looks 'nice'. It needs a stronger concept running through it like my original idea.
Logo Section
I like the technique of this. It's quite rough but has a really nice handcrafted feel to it, and the different layers of stock create a more 3 Dimensional format. By adding the logo and more or the image, it gies it more context, but it's still a little bit style over substance. At least I know the colour works really well in this way.
Type Compositions
I used this handcraft approach to quickly experiment lots with compositions of the logo and type to help solidify the identity. I had the idea of spreading the letters out across the range out products, referring back to some of my original design sheets. I created various different compositions and noted which ones were more successful than others.
I don't like this. It's too bold and simple, not really what i'm going for.
This is one of my favourites compositionally and I could see this working on a much larger scale and being applied across a wide product range.
These are qquite cool but again don't really have a strong purpose behind them deeming them unfit to take forward. I like the idea of the letters almost falling off the page though, Theres something there maybe for development.
This is a less successful attempt. I don't like the strict layout and is not what I had envisioned originally.
The next efforts are developing on some of my early ideas of making the type extend the perimeters of the poster or whatever format it may be. This was an early concept of trying to grab attention with limited funds and something like this could be a good way of doing so.
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