Today was the crit session on our exhibition posters. In this session we had to grade every single poster from 1-20 in order to see which ones would go through to be selected for the gallery. Overall I was happy with my Feedback, I was getting mainly 15 - 18 grades which was a great sign. I did have a couple of haters in the groups which gave me a low score of 3 and 4 which I thought was a little bit personal to be honest, but overall I was please with the Feedback, very positive!
We also give written feedback in smaller groups and here's what I received ;-
- Concept is really strong and colour gives instant impact
- Some supportive body copy will give the viewer some context of the space
- The laser cut process is visually effective
- Great choice of colour, stands out!
- Would be nice to see imagery revealed behind the pop through holes.
- Simplicity works well here, and this would work in a variety of different coloured stocks
- Really good concept, black and yellow works really well together and the fact the circles pop through brings interactivity to the piece and captures the eye
- Strong concept, aesthetically pleasing.
- Colours are powerful and eye-catching which is good for an exhibition
- Good use of laser cut techniques
- Body Copy would be beneficial to explain exhibition.
- Good choice of colour
- Laser cutting effect is very effective
- Really like the concept and house you could punch the hols through over time to create an ever-changing poster. Colours are impressive.
My comments
Overall i'm really happy with this feedback. On the whole it'v very positive and I'm glad to see that people are appreciating the concept more which is something i've been trying to work on with recent projects. Building a good concept is much more important than just designing something that looks pretty and I feel i've achieved that in this brief.
There was also some really good constructive feedback which has also helped me move the poster on for final hand-in. As you can see in the images, I've now added the body copy to the bottom, which is what I had planned all along, but didn't get round to doing it in time for the crit.
I've also experimented with placing work behind the poster which was mentioned a couple of times in the feedback. I'm not sure how successfully this worked, but the whole idea of the poster is that it is interchangeable and could alter constantly as will the exhibition.
Final Alterations
Bosy Copy added and experiments with work behind poster...
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