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Responsive - Bacardi Brief - Workshop

The Brief : Bacardi;

Help us reconnect with 18-24 year old guys in the bar environment.

Starting Point Questions for the Brief

Why have I chose to pick this brief?

I have chosen to pick this brief because it is very open for me be as innovative and creative as I want to be in the very loose boundaries. The target audience is essentially me, a 18-24 year old male. This will make it easier when considering what design direction I may want to take and will also make it easier for Primary research within myself and my peer group. It will also let me experiment within a wide range of product design for different environments, take me out of my design comfort zone and also develop my skills within product promotion, branding and packaging.

What do I want to get out of it?

A sense of Industrial experience. Working on a live brief which would be used in a real life situation will help me gain valuable experience of what this can be like. It allows me to see what time schedules I  will be working on as well as the Industry Standard regulations. 

What do you want to make?

I hope to make a promotional campaign based around Bacardi to make it appeal to the younger male audience. This could include anything you would find in a bar environment. Glassware, Beer Mats, Posters, Beer Taps, Bottle Design and Packaging, Web Design, Advertisements. 

Also proposed Ideas which I would not be able to physically create such as live events, large scale advertisement campaigns for web and tv. 

I aim to do this is a creative, innovative and original way to help me stand out amongst others. 

Why do I want to enter the competition?

The thought of winning would be amazing but I know the amount of applicants and talent is outstanding. More realistically I want to work with a brief that is outside my comfort zone and something that will be fun to work with. I want to generate innovative ideas that could work in the real world and work on a brief that is realistic and live outside of the four walls of the studio. 

What is the message?

- To make Bacardi the first choice of drink in a bar for 18-24 year old males.

-To make people understand that Bacardi is a quality product that take years to create and originated in Cuba as appose to a low quality product that is brewed in some scatty place in the UK.

- Make Bacardi stand out on the shelves to be a relevant choice for 18-34 year old males.

- Make people proud to drink Bacardi and to recommend to friends. 

- It needs to be simple, authentic and MASCULINE.

- The comsumer is in a stage in his life where what he drinks needs to make him feel and look like a man. 

- Translate the idea across a number of channels. 

Who is the Audience?

18 - 24 year old Males 

What is the Context?

Bars / Clubs
Super Markets
News Agents
Online / On TV

What products are associated with it?

Beer Mats
Bottle / Packaging Design
Beer Pumps
Behind the Bar
TV Adverts
Web Design
POP Cardboard Displays
Shop Displays

What is the Problem?

Barcadi is seen as relating to the older generation or female drinkers and they want to appeal to younger males to drive up sales.

What is it asking you to do about it?

Come up with innovative solutions of design to help sell and target the product to the selected audience. They want Barcadi to be the first drink of choice to order by young males in a bar environment. 

What is it trying to achieve?

Higher sales to generate more money by appealing to a specific audience. A broader range of customers. A new image to help it stand out above other drinks.
What are the 10 most important words in you brief

High Quality
Santiago de Cuba
150 Year Anniversary 
Drink of Choice

What do you have to do?

Meet the submission deadline.
Be Creative.
Appeal to a 18-24 Male Target Audience.
Relate to  Masculine, Authentic and Quality. 
Help raise sales in Bacardi to this audience.
Include Traditions of the company.

What do you need to do?
Create a campaign.
Ultimately sell Bacardi to 18-24 year old Males. 

What can you do?

Advertising Campaign 
Packaging Design
Posters / Bar Display

What could you do? 

- a comical approach to lads (like wkd advert)
- make the drink more manly (use bigger 'jar like' glasses)
- make the drink exclusive which generates more want for the product. 
- tie the drink to other brands and events relating to 'LADS'. 
- use the idea of sailors in the navy - 'HISTORIC LADS' and relate to Cuba. 
- relate it to the student and university lifestyle. 
- not follow the brief?
- break it apart and add to it?

What hasn't been done before?

- using unusual creative advertising techniques 
- using new media to advertise ( QR CODES, BLIPPAR ETC.)

10 Things that will make your design win and/or stand out 

- Innovative Ideas
- Professional Execution. 
- Originality
- Effective Communication
- Meet The Brief
- Meet The Submission Deadlines
- Mind-blowing Visuals
- Question The Brief
- Quality of Presentation
- Informed Decisions
- Contextual References
- Undertand Your Audience 
- Meet the Deadline


What do you already know?
What do you need to find out?

-gathering info
-idea generation
-colours, typefaces, etc.
-design direction
-contextual references
-own ideas/sketches

What is stopping you from doing it?

- what has never been done before? and what is stopping you from doing it?
- innovative ideas

Design Sheets / Print - Outs / Proposals For 2 Weeks on Thursday. 

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