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Responsive - Bacardi Brief - Crit Feedback

____Feedback 1

5= Excellent 4= Very Good 3= Good 2= Average 1= Poor

Clarity Of Concept       5
Breadth of Ideas       3
Appropriateness of Response       4
Contextual Awareness       5
Analysis/ Understanding of Audience       5
Level of Innovation / Originality       4
Quality/ Clarity of Presentation       4

____Additional Comments

Really great idea, try to come up with more surrounding ideas around the main one, but I really like the idea you have come up with. Try to think of using more cuban heritage in more ways; music , culture, cuban people, etc. Really like the idea of bringing cuba to the bar and the crate idea is great! definitely pursue this and it will make for a great project!

____Feedback 2

5= Excellent 4= Very Good 3= Good 2= Average 1= Poor

Clarity Of Concept       5
Breadth of Ideas       3
Appropriateness of Response       4
Contextual Awareness       4
Analysis/ Understanding of Audience       5
Level of Innovation / Originality       3
Quality/ Clarity of Presentation       4

____Additional Comments

You have gone for one idea which is working really well, but could you consider different approaches? The box idea has been done before but I haven't seen anything that is public like this in a  bar environment which is exciting. How could you improve on this idea and make even more original? Look at more pirate and sailor things and try to bring them into the project.  

_____My Comments

Overall I am fairly pleased with the comments. My idea seems to be appreciated by the group  which is good to know that I can carry on in this direction. I got given a few directions and things I can look further into which is helpful too. I will look further into cuban heritage and the group particularly liked how I linked in the 'old school' sailor lads in with the modern day target audience of young lads. 

The idea of the crate is good but I need something that will be original and also link directly to the brief. I like the idea of having the look of the product as if it has just been delivered straight from cuba, so this would have straw and cuban items inside the create of wood and it would be laser cut or stencilled on the outside. I think this would make a great looking bar display and from my feedback it seems like this would probably make people buy the drink. 

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